Sabtu, 01 November 2014

Degrees of Comparison

Comparison can be made using the three forms of the adjective.


Adjective is a word and it qualifies a noun. It gives more information about the noun.

eg. The lion is a strong animal. Rita is a beautiful girl.
Adjectives are of three degrees. (1) Positive (2) Comparative (3) Superlative

The Positive degree denotes the mere existence of quality.

eg. David is a rich man.

The Comparative degree is used to compare two persons or things having the same quality.

eg. Cancel is more dreadful than cholera.

The Superlative degree is used when more than two persons or things are compared. It is singles one from all the rest.

eg. Mount Everest is the highest peak in the world. Study the following models.
Very few boys in the class are as tall as John.John is taller than any other boys in the class.John is the tallest boy in the class.
John is taller than most other boys in the class.John is one of the tallest boy in the class.
Adjective and Adverbs have three degrees, Positive, Comparative and Superlative.

Positive Degree :

The Pasitive Degree is used to denote the mere existence of quality.
The Positive Degree of an adjective in comparison is the adjective in its simple form. It is used to denote the mere existence of some quality of what we speak about. It is used when no comparison is made.

  • It is a tall building.
  • Apple is sweet to taste.

Comparative Degree

The Comparative Degree is used to compare the qualities of two persons or things.
The Comparative Degree denotes the existence of a higher degree of the quality than the positive. It is used when two things (or two sets of things) are compared.
  • This building is taller than any other building.
  • Apple is sweeter than pear.

Superlative Degree

The Superlative Degree denotes the existence of the highest degree of the quality. It is used when more than two things are compared.
  • This is the tallest building.
  • Apple is the sweetest fruit.
The Superlative Degree is used when more than two nouns or things are compared.
  • Johnsy is kind (Positive Degree)
  • Johnsy is kinder than Rosy (Comparative Degree)
  • Johnsy is the kindest of all (Superlative Degree)

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